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4 Cosmetic Treatments for a Summer-Ready Smile

June 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 4:14 am

Woman with attractive smile in summer dressSummer is here, which means plenty of time with friends and loved one’s soaking up the sun and warmer temperatures. Whether you’re spending a day at the beach or taking a vacation, you don’t have to let insecurities about your smile hold you back from feeling your best. Your cosmetic dentist in Virginia Beach can give you the picture-perfect teeth you desire. Here are 4 cosmetic treatments that can get your smile ready for summer.


5 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry Debunked

March 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — smilebydesignteam @ 4:59 pm

Yellow envelop busting cosmetic dentistry myths.If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, your cosmetic dentist can help you achieve the picture-perfect smile you desire. Although you would love to transform your teeth, you may not believe it’s an option for you. There are many cosmetic dentistry myths, but don’t let common misconceptions deter you from improving your confidence. Here are the facts you need to attain your dream smile.


5 Reasons to See Your Dentist Early in the Year

February 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 3:41 pm

Woman having a dental checkup in Virginia Beach.Believe it or not, 2021 is already here. As you resume your daily activities after the holidays, your schedule is filling up quickly. The last thing on your mind is visiting your dentist for a dental checkup in Virginia Beach. Although you have all year for a cleaning and checkup, there are several advantages to seeing your dentist early. Here are 5 reasons to keep a preventive visit at the top of your priority list.


Visit Your Family Dentist in Virginia Beach Before the Year Ends

October 11, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentist — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 9:16 pm

man at dentistThe holidays are an exciting time of year as you shop for the perfect gifts and plan tasty family meals. Despite the bright decorations and festive gatherings, do not forget to visit your family dentist in Virginia Beach. As the last few weeks of the year end, your dental insurance is about to expire. If you do not lose your remaining coverage now, you not only place the health of your smile at risk but also waste hundreds of dollars in premiums and deductibles.

Family Dentist in Virginia Beach Discusses the Best Dental Habits

July 15, 2018

Filed under: General dentistry — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 8:12 pm

woman magnifying healthy smileDid you know that with the right care, your teeth can last for a lifetime? To ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy, the best preventive care starts at home. When you practice the right oral hygiene habits and visit your family dentist in Virginia Beach twice a year for a cleaning and checkup, you will set the right foundation for a lifelong healthy smile.

Don’t Skip Your Appointment with Your Family Dentist in Virginia Beach

July 5, 2018

Filed under: General dentistry — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 7:43 pm

woman having a dental examWhen you look at your teeth and gums in the mirror, you may believe that they are healthy; however, if you are not visiting your family dentist in Virginia Beach regularly, they may not be. In addition to brushing and flossing at home, the American Dental Association recommends that you have a cleaning and checkup twice a year to promote your oral health. Unfortunately, one-third of adults did not schedule an appointment last year. If you are among those who skip routine dental appointments, you are placing your oral and general health at risk.

Family Dentist in Virginia Beach Helps with Holiday Dental Emergencies

November 6, 2017

Filed under: Dental emergency — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 5:27 pm

Woman with toothacheThe holidays are great time of year as you spend time shopping for the perfect gifts and planning meals for your loved ones. To make sure all the details are perfect, your schedule is busy. You do not have the time for any interruptions. Nothing can ruin your festivities faster than an unexpected dental emergency. While no one ever expects to be in this position, one is six Americans will face one this year. If it happens to you, it is best to call your family dentist in Virginia Beach right away, despite the temptation to wait until after the holidays.

These Habits Harm Teeth, Say Dentists in Virginia Beach

November 15, 2016

Bruxism, smoking and other habits harm teeth, gums and jaw function. Dentists in Virginia Beach at Smile by Design give details and countermeasures.Your smile is one of your most important personal assets. Not only do your personal appearance and self-confidence depend on it, but your oral and systemic health do, too. Preventive dentistry aims to keep your teeth and gums strong for a lifetime and to spare you the expense and discomfort of extensive dental work. That’s why dentists in Virginia Beach, Drs. Santos and Folck, show patients what can harm their teeth so smiles last.


Tips on Choosing the Best Virginia Beach Dentist

July 10, 2016


Your family needs a new Virginia Beach dentist. You just moved from another state, or maybe your long-time, trusted dentist has retired. Selecting a dentist is vital to your family’s oral health and well-being–and to your peace of mind.  Dr. Stephanie L. Santos and Dr. Vinita John Folck suggest several factors to consider before arriving at your new dental office in Virginia Beach.
