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5 Oral Health Tips from Your Family Dentist in Virginia Beach

August 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 1:10 pm

family of three hugging smilingOne of the best ways to prevent dental problems for your family is to take the right steps to fortify everybody’s oral health. Is that possible to accomplish, though? Your family dentist in Virginia Beach says it definitely is, and as you read on, you’ll learn 5 simple tips that everybody in your household can implement into their lives.

Eat Healthier

This is easier said than done, right? Actually, eating healthier can be quite easy, and doesn’t mean that life has to be boring. In fact, there are several things that can be done to make healthier foods more appetizing. For example, you can encourage your children to eat more vegetables by serving them with tomato sauce, and delicious desserts can be made using mostly fruit instead of the sugar-ladened, processed alternatives.

Taking small steps like these helps to create the type of environment in the mouth that makes it harder for bacteria to survive. It also disproves the stigma that healthy foods lack flavor.

Drink Fluoridated Water

In the 1940’s, cities first began to fluoridate their water supplies in response to tests that showed elevated tooth decay among children around the country. The properties in fluoride help to fortify the enamel and aid it in protecting the precious inner areas of the tooth, which is a vital part of maintaining oral health.

Brush Correctly

Practicing proper oral hygiene is essential to maintaining oral health, and one of the main ways to go about this is to brush the teeth at least two times a day. Along with being done frequent enough, it’s important that the proper technique be used when brushing.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use the Right Toothbrush – Use a toothbrush with soft bristles – especially if you have sensitive gums – to avoid irritating the soft tissues or damaging the enamel.
  • Don’t Miss an Area – Brush each plane of the teeth – the outer, chewing surface and inner parts.
  • The Angle Matters – Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle away from the gums when brushing to avoid irritation.
  • Go Vertical – When brushing the inner surface, hold the toothbrush vertically to clean it properly.

Don’t Forget to Floss

It’s just as important to floss as it is to brush the teeth. That’s because brushing can only address 60% of the teeth’s surfaces. To clean the hard-to-reach places requires the soft flexibility of dental floss.

Just pull out roughly 18 inches and wrap it around your index fingers, leaving about two inches exposed to clean between teeth. Remember to only use each part of the floss once, as not to risk re-contaminating an area.

Your Dentist is Your Ally!

Your family’s primary ally in the fight against bacteria and oral maladies is your dentist in Virginia Beach. When you visit, you’ll receive thorough cleanings and tedious examinations, and they’ll be done in a manner that makes everybody feel comfortable and excited about oral health. It’s also a great time to ask any questions that you or your family members may have.

When everybody visits for preventive care, it’s a bold and proactive step toward protecting their mouth, teeth and gums. So by following these simple steps, you can rest assured that your family will enjoy excellent oral health for years to come!

About the Author

A graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Stephanie L. Santos takes pride in providing compassionate and expert care. She invites you to bring your family in for preventive care at Smiles by Design, and she can be reached for more information through her website.

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