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Effective Restorative Care for Virginia Beach and Beyond

August 8, 2013

In our last post, we talked
about cosmetic dentistry, which is all about helping patients improve the
appearance of their teeth. Today we’d like to focus of restorative
, which is all about improving the functionality of a patient’s
teeth. In some cases that means repairing ones that are damaged, while at other
times it means restoring ones that have been lost.
Why is restorative dental
care important? Because without it,
patients may have trouble chewing or speaking clearly. Damaged or missing teeth
also increase one’s vulnerability to gum disease or decay, plus additional
tooth loss. Patients may also experience bone loss in their jaw, develop bite
problems, or see their appearance change.
Regardless of your own needs and what you’ve experienced, Dr. Folck and Dr. Santos are
confident they can help. They offer a range of today’s best restorative
dentistry services, including:
But which one of these services is right for you? Dr. Folck and Dr. Santos would be happy to answer that for you with a
consultation visit. Following an oral exam, we can help you understand your
needs and devise a plan that will help you meet them. Depending on your needs,
completing your restorative dentistry
plan may only take one visit, or it may take several visits over the course of
a few months. Regardless, a healthier, more functional smile will be waiting
for you at the end.

Do you need restorative
dental care
? Call
Smile by Design today for an
appointment. We offer excellent restorative dental care to patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, Sandbridge,
and beyond.

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