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Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

April 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 1:15 am
patient wondering if dental implants can get cavities

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that replace both the crown and roots of a missing tooth. They are often made of titanium since it can fuse with the jawbone, therefore creating a permanent, strong connection. If you are considering implant and curious about whether they can be subject to tooth decay like your natural teeth, read on to discover the answer.

How Teeth Develop Cavities

Cavities form in teeth when oral bacteria feed on sugary and starchy foods and drinks, releasing acids that dissolve the outer enamel. This weakens the tooth, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Neglecting oral hygiene practices also raises the risk of cavities, as plaque accumulates on teeth, causing further damage. If the decay gets bad enough, it may eventually lead to tooth loss of the need to have it pulled.

Can Dental Implants Develop Cavities?

Fortunately, dental implants are not susceptible to tooth decay. Unlike natural teeth, which have an outer layer of enamel that can erode over time, dental implants are typically composed of titanium posts. This means that, with proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for decades or even a lifetime without the need for repairs or replacements.

However, while dental implants cannot develop cavities, the surrounding teeth can still be at risk of decay if proper oral hygiene practices are not maintained. Therefore, it’s crucial to continue practicing good oral hygiene habits and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

4 Ways to Keep Your Dental Implants in Good Shape

Simply put, taking care of dental implants goes beyond preventing cavities. Proper post-operative care is crucial to ensure proper healing and to avoid potential complications such as infections or implant failure. Here are some of the ways that you can make your implants last.

  • Brushing your teeth – Do so twice a day for two minutes each time to prevent cavities in your remaining teeth, tooth infections, and gum disease.
  • Flossing nightly – It is important to floss at least once a day, ideally before bed, to remove food particles and bacteria that built up between your teeth throughout the day.
  • Eat the right foods – Avoid foods that are high in sugar or starch, such as candy, soda, and bread. Instead, focus on eating foods that are good for your smile, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts, leafy greens, dairy, fish, and lean meats.
  • See your dentist – See your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings every six months. This will help them ensure that your implants heal properly and that your remaining teeth and gums are healthy.

About the Practice

At Smile by Design of Virginia Beach, patients can receive high-quality dental care, including dental implants to restore their smile’s functionality and appearance. The practice provides guidance on ensuring the success of implant placement and maintaining overall oral health. With a team of experienced dental professionals and the latest technology, they aim to make each patient’s dental experience comfortable and stress-free. To schedule an appointment or learn more about dental implants, you can visit Smile by Design of Virginia Beach’s website or call their office at (757) 499-9639.

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