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Tobacco Use Can Be Detrimental To Your Oral Health

August 24, 2015

Filed under: General dentistry — Tags: , , , — smilebydesignteam @ 3:40 pm

Keep your oral health in great shape and stop using tobacco.Everyone knows that smoking isn’t good for you. It’s been told to us by our family, friends, politicians, celebrities…you name it. There are even television advertisements warning us about the dangers of smoking and other uses for tobacco. Your lungs aren’t the only organs in your body that can suffer from repeated tobacco use. People who use smokeless tobacco, or “dip” as it’s more commonly known, are putting themselves in danger of developing big oral health problems. Our office in Virginia Beach, VA wants you to steer clear of tobacco in any way that you can. For those of you who don’t smoke or use tobacco for any reason; good for you! For the others who do smoke or use smokeless tobacco, it’s time to kick the habit.

Dr. Stephanie Santos and Dr. Vinita Folck want you to come to our office if you notice anything out of the ordinary in your mouth. They are the dentists in Virginia Beach that you can trust. Gum disease is typically a major concern with patients that smoke. We want your oral health to be in the greatest shape it can possibly be, but smoking will only hinder the progress we want to make.

Kick The Habit Before It’s Too Late

Let’s just come right out with it – smoking is bad. In fact, any tobacco is bad. Whether you’re a smoker or enjoy “dipping”, you’re putting your oral health at risk in a major way. It’s a nasty habit that can leave you smelling like an ashtray. Who wants to smell like that? It’s a turnoff.

It isn’t just your stench that’s affected. Check out this list of dental problems that are associated with smoking:

  • Terrible breath
  • Discoloration of your teeth
  • Salivary gland inflammation towards the roof of the mouth
  • Excessive plaque and tartar buildup
  • Jawbone deterioration
  • Increased risk of leukoplakia
  • Gum disease development is increased
  • Oral cancer developing
  • Dental implants have a lower success rate

There are many different toxins and chemicals inside of tobacco smoke that can leave your mouth in terrible shape. It isn’t just oral health problems you have to worry about, it’s your overall health we’re talking about, too. Lung cancer is quickly becoming one of the most aggressive forms of cancer that’s plaguing the U.S.

Schedule An Appointment If You Notice Any Abnormalities

Kicking the smoking habit will help, but if you’re finding it increasingly difficult to be successful, you can schedule an appointment with us. We will discuss the importance of quitting and check for any problems that may be causing discomfort to your mouth. We invite patients from all over the Virginia Beach, VA area to see us. Our Virginia Beach dentists are ready to treat you! Visit our dental office in Virginia Beach today!







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