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Insurance benefits reset for January, come in for your checkup!

January 14, 2016

family dentistry virginia beachAs your trusted family dentistry practice in Virginia Beach, we hate seeing patients use up all their dental insurance benefits at the end of the year before completing the oral care they need. We firmly believe that excellent dental care shouldn’t be limited by a list of rules and requirements. But when January rolls around, we love to bring the good news that most dental insurance plans have reset their benefits for the year! If you’re in need of dental care, take advantage of the new year and your new benefits and schedule your appointment at Smile by Design today!

New year, new dental opportunities!

If you’ve got dental insurance, you already know it’s a truly wonderful resource that helps make much-needed dental care far more affordable. So you’ve got dental insurance, that’s great. This month, your benefits begin anew — so use them!

Preventive care is crucial for healthy teeth and gums

There’s a reason preventive care is usually 100 percent covered by dental insurance. Services like cleanings, x-rays and checkups are vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime. Start 2016 off right getting the most out of your insurance with your first six month visit to Smile by Design! When you do, we’ll be able to check for a number of things to make sure your mouth is as healthy as can be.

Some of the things we look for in your checkup include:

  • Signs of tooth decay
  • Gum problems that indicate gum disease
  • Symptoms of oral cancer
  • Worn dental work
  • Evidence of insufficient home care (poor brushing and flossing)

Too many adults wait until they are already experiencing tooth pain to schedule a visit to the dentist — but by that point, the problem has advanced so much that simple, conservative care is usually not an option. Help us stop problems before they start (and catch them early when they do) by scheduling and maintaining your six month appointments in Virginia Beach.

Restorative care is covered, too

You’ll need to call your insurance provider directly to find out exactly what’s covered by your dental insurance, but you can almost be sure you’ll get financial help with restorative care if you need it following decay or accidents. That can include anything from a simple filing to more involved procedures, like root canals or extractions.

Schedule your dental appointment in Virginia Beach today

You’ve got a clean slate with your dental insurance, and it’s time to use some of those benefits! If you’ve got dental work that needs to be completed, or if you’d like to take advantage of crucial preventive care, please contact our office. Smile by Design is in-network with a number of providers — click here to verify that your insurance carrier is one of them, then request your appointment online today!

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